In 1966 Lore published two book reviews dealing with questions of India’s delopment. She further assisted in the preparation of the manuscript “The Foundations of Institutional Economics” (Kapp 2011) which remained unfinished during her life time. Several draft versions of the manuscript indicate the significant level of her editorial work on the formulations of every sentence. Lore’s high level of involvement in the preparation of manuscripts is also acknowledged by Ted’s preface to the essay collection “Environmental Policies and Development Planning in Contemporary China and other Essays” (1974): “My major obligation is to my wife, Lore L. Kapp, who has taken part in the research, the writing, and the editing of all manuscripts with a view to making them more readable and preparing them for the printer.” (p. 6)
Kapp’s former research assistant, Rolf Steppacher confirms this account of Lore’s role, which was to clarify and add precision to the formulations of Ted’s ideas and to soften what she perceived as perhaps a too combative tone.
Lore also edited and prepared for publication Kapp’s final lecture at the Inter-University Center in Dubrovnik devoted to future studies in eco-development in 1976 as part of the memorial essay collection in honor of Ted (“Economics in Institutional Perspective” (1977)), organised a memorial lecture series at the university in Basel in November 1976, and founded the K. William and Lore L. Kapp Foundation for the Humanization and Integration of the Social Sciences in 1977, which inherited most of the Kapps’ private funds. The name of the foundation gives expression to what must be considered the Kapps’ common intellectual project, the continued influence of which today is to a large extent due to Lore’s efforts.
Lore also edited and prepared for publication Kapp’s final lecture at the Inter-University Center in Dubrovnik devoted to future studies in eco-development in 1976 as part of the memorial essay collection in honor of Ted (“Economics in Institutional Perspective” (1977)), organised a memorial lecture series at the university in Basel in November 1976, and founded the K. William and Lore L. Kapp Foundation for the Humanization and Integration of the Social Sciences in 1977, which inherited most of the Kapps’ private funds. The name of the foundation gives expression to what must be considered the Kapps’ common intellectual project, the continued influence of which today is to a large extent due to Lore’s efforts.

in the Alps with Ted

in Japan 1971

with friend and poodle infront of her house in Basel ca. 1968 address: Oberer Batterieweg 38

with mother ca 1965

portrait ca 1965

leaflet Kapp Foundation 1977