The story behind this project
In 2019 a large carton box containing archival materials was discovered during renovation work in the attic of The Abbey in Sutton Courteney, Oxfordshire. (Link ︎︎︎)
These materials consisted of countless personal photos, correspondence, notebooks, and diaries of the Kapps. The story behind this find has been elucidated by the former assistant of K. William Kapp at the University of Basel and member of the board of the Kapp Foundation, Rolf Steppacher. According to his account, Lore Kapp had made arrangements for these materials to be transferred upon her death to her friend, Prof. Dr. Fred Blum. Blum was a member of the board of the Kapp Foundation and founder of the New Era Center, a non profit charity housed by The Abbey. (Link ︎︎︎)
Since then these materials have largely been forgotten. Without these documents historiographic research on the Kapps was necessarily more limited. The documents have been evaluated for research purposes, ordered and transferred to the Kapp Archive at the university library in Basel. This work and the current web presentation have been funded by the Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust. (Link︎︎︎)
Further Information:
︎︎︎ Kapp Research Center
︎︎︎ Kapp Wikipedia
︎︎︎ Kapp Archive Basel
Further Information:
︎︎︎ Kapp Research Center
︎︎︎ Kapp Wikipedia
︎︎︎ Kapp Archive Basel