Frankfurt & Geneva
By 1933 Lore was enrolled in the faculty of law at Frankfurt University for purposes of studying at the Institute of Social Research. Partly due to racial discrimination by the university’s new enrollment forms, which required a declaration of Aryan descent, Lore and Ted decided to emigrate to Geneva, Switzerland in 1933. Ted’s application for enrollment as doctoral student at Frankfurt University had also been unsuccessful. He did not meet the requirement of previous enrollment as law students at the same university.
Consequently, he enrolled at the Graduate Institute at Geneva University for purposes of obtaining a doctorate in Political Sciences. Lore also sucessfully enrolled as student at the faculty of law. Her application states that she had successfully completed a midterm comprehensive exam in law at
university where she had also taken seminars in political economy.
The leading members of the Institute of Social Research had also exiled in Geneva, allowing Lore and Ted to become increasingly associated with this intellectual thought collective.
Archival documents evidence a close and personal connection to the Institute’s director and economist Friedrich Pollock. The correspondence reveals that Lore enthusiastically engaged in the vibrant discussions on central economic planning. Her significant contribution to Ted’s dissertation is corroborated by his handwritten dedication “to my anonymous co-worker” in Lore's personal hard copy of “The Planned Economy and International Trade”.
The leading members of the Institute of Social Research had also exiled in Geneva, allowing Lore and Ted to become increasingly associated with this intellectual thought collective.
Archival documents evidence a close and personal connection to the Institute’s director and economist Friedrich Pollock. The correspondence reveals that Lore enthusiastically engaged in the vibrant discussions on central economic planning. Her significant contribution to Ted’s dissertation is corroborated by his handwritten dedication “to my anonymous co-worker” in Lore's personal hard copy of “The Planned Economy and International Trade”.

in Geneva or NYC

handwritten dedication to Lore: “ my anonymous co-worker”

at her desk in Geneva apartment

